Webinar for San Francisco Bay Pilot
We held a special training and live Q&A session on Wednesday, October 28th at 10:30am Pacific where we shared in-depth information about the San Francisco Bay Pilot and other successful walkable watershed projects and answered questions about the walkable watershed process live.
In case you missed the webinar, you can view the slides at the link below:
Here are a few highlights about the webinar:
- The key walkable watershed concepts and strategies and how they might benefit your community,
- How two communities have successfully applied the walkable watershed process to their communities,
- What Community Capacity Building is and why it is important,
- How to overcome common challenges faced by communities when planning and implementing walkable watershed strategies,
- AND, how communities in the San Francisco Bay Area can apply to receive FREE technical assistance to pilot the walkable watershed process!
For more information, please contact Marcus Griswold.
Past Webinars
Walkable Watersheds – Making the Connection
Held on April 30, 2015 1:00pm-2:30pm (eastern)
Hosted by Skeo Solutions
Learn more about this integrated planning approach and hear from Walkable Watershed Community Partners on how:
- local governments can integrate community input into infrastructure investment projects
- cities and watershed organizations can work to build stewardship in communities that haven’t typically embraced waterways as an asset
- community-based planning efforts can reach and meaningfully involve a neighborhood that has been disenfranchised or has a history of distrust
The webinar featured:
- Skeo staff providing an overview of the walkable watershed concept, snapshots from Walkable Watershed communities, and a discussion on how this approach can address environmental justice concerns and leverage community building and collaborative decision making for a lasting impact.
- Local government and non-profit organization representatives sharing how a walkable watershed approach has been beneficial to their work and leveraged additional resources.
Vernice Miller-Travis, Senior Associate, Skeo Solutions
Miranda Maupin, Manager, Community Planning and Revitalization, Skeo Solutions
Alisa Hefner, Mid-Atlantic Walkable Watershed Coordinator, Skeo Solutions
Jen Baker, Sustainability Analyst, City of Raleigh Office of Sustainability
Michelle Kokolis, Anacostia Watershed Restoration Manager, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (formerly with James River Association)
For more information, please contact Alisa Hefner.